Friday 29 April 2016


LET ME TO GODinda works Pelangi
The cool night accompany loneliness. The evening breeze gently stroked my hair succession. With me being alone staring at the beauty of the earth. As the most loyal friend dikesendirianku in this injustice."Oh God, when everything is going to change?" I asked in hope.
Suddenly a knock at my door quite softly."Sure bi Imah." I guessed"Yes, a minute!" I said as he walked out of the hall room."Sorry non, dinner time. The others are already collector under. "Said Bi Imah when my door is open."Ok bi Dera also already Lapeer really." Candaku him.Bi Imah was someone who took care since birth. To me, he's like my biological mother. My house, only Bi Imah cares realm. When I was sick, he just always bothered prepare the medicine, only he who always knew how sad I was when the value raportku away from Dara kak value. Only he knows how much I wanted to like kak Dara, my twin sister."No wah nih grilled chicken. Heem maknyus "I said while occupying my favorite chair."Basic really rude ..." quipped father to me."So, do blurted aja dong so a girl." Said my brother, Virgo."Dera yes, you sit down first and then talk to, there is the same Papa Mama here. So polite little Ra. "Added Kak Dara."Dera yes, yes tuh Dara said. Example him. "Added Ms. again."Ok, I went. Please eat !! "I said sarcastically.I also hurried up to my room without even touching the food there. When in fact maagku relapse and it was very sore. But more sore again when I never get the love from all the people I care about.****
The sun was transformed into the owner of my room was still asleep. Until I woke up because of the glare of the light that hits my eyes."Humh, already in the morning to" I said to myself,
I hurried to shower and wear my school. Complete with blue accessories. This morning, I did not want breakfast. I just visited the Bi Imah which turned out was to prepare himself for me."Thank ya Bi, Dera dear aunt." I said sincerely him"Yes, non, Bibi also sayangg non Dera very same, yes Non school spirit." Imah bi replied encouragingly.Upon arrival at school, I rushed to the room where replications. Schedule today is math and English. Lesson calculate very annoying for me. Because I do not like kak Dara are good at counting. My guess is right, about this time is incredibly hard. Until paper ulanganku barely filled. But if the English language, this kehebatanku. All questions can I'm doing with ease. Because since childhood I've been so great to speak English. As Om Frans and Tante Siska who loved me when I was in Jakarta very much greater than my biological parents. But now they have moved to America with his son, Dimas.****
Time seemed to go by really fast, now is the time distribution of student learning outcomes. Incidentally, I and kak Dera different classes and schools. If I was still a high school class, while she was in class two. All happened because I've never climbed class during elementary school. If kak Dara deliberately Papa sekolahkah in favorite school in Jakarta, while I was in high school in which the student is only effluent from another school that does not accept us. Because my grades not as good value and Kak kak Dara Virgo. They have a much higher IQ than me."Pa, ambilin report cards Dera ya." I said"Papa had an appointment at Dara if Papa would get raportnya. You guys different school. "My father replied."Ma, ambilin report cards Dera yes!" I said again on Mama."Mama already Virgo ngambilib raportnya same promise, he's already the third grade so had diwakilin." Mama replied."Oh so yes," I said, disappointed.
I could only cry alone in the room. No one is likely to want to get raportku. Last resort is Bi Imah. And of course he is very willing to get raportku."How bi result?" I asked curiously"Non Dera champion one non." Says bi Imah with passion."hah? Bi Really? "I said no less vigor.It turned out that my effort was not in vain, finally I could match the achievements kak Dara.****
Arriving home, everyone was laughing to see the results of learning and kak kak Dara Virgo became speechless when I arrived and Bi Imah."What the results Ra ?, certainly ugly." Says kak Virgo sarcasm."Ko gak, I champions 1." I said with enthusiasm."Ah, No. 1 disekolahmu definitely last class champion Dara." My father teased me.
I was disappointed, really disappointed because of all the accomplishments I achieved penah not appreciated at all. Dismayed, I ran to my room, kuratapi all this injustice. I'm not out of the room for two haripun nobody cares. Everyone at home just busy with their work, not least Bi Imah almost every hour to get me to come out. Maagku relapse, it feels very sore than usual."Oh God, strengthen me!" I said
On the third day action dikamar my silence, my house suddenly heard a familiar voice. It turns out today, the family Om Frans has arrived in Jakarta for a vacation with our family."Dimas? I miss you. "I said with bowed sluggish dikamar.I left the room to see him, but it turns out he had changed and no matter to me again. Everything is completely changed, and now he disavowed his promise to meet me. Penantianku vain, everyone has hated me and away from me. I was alone at home, bi Imah kekampung home for sick children. While others were having dinner at hotel. And I? Left here.****
I just eat and keep putting bread berselai srikaya kemulutku. While others engrossed in conversation with a topic kak Dara and Dimas. All I know, they continue to boast the two people who excel. Until Om Frans and Tante Siska also changed me. Excommunicate everyone here. After finished my breakfast, I quickly said goodbye to the rear garden which turns out there is kak Dara and someone I care about, kak Dimas. There, I was looking at giving a rose on kak Dara. Turns out they've invented and I know, that kak Dimas has been forgotten.****
Finally, the long awaited day has arrived. Today, karateku match will take place. But unfortunately, everyone kusayang no one wants to come here. Everything comes dilomba kak choose Dara, olimoiade science. Although a little disappointed, I'll prove that I am a great Dera. Wish come true, I won and won a national karate dipertandingan held in Jakarta."We call, a national karate champion this year. Alderaya Zivanna from Jakarta. "Call the host.Accompanied by a standing ovation, I climb the podium greatness, and I felt I was very much appreciated here.****
Arriving home, I put my picture in the living room for my success, but when the arrival kak Dara and others, I saw there moodiness. And after seeing successes, kak Dara even cry and ran to his room."You deliberately teased Dara?" Papa asked sarcastically."Gak pa! Papa mean what the hell? "I do not understand."Dara lost while you brag to your picture displaying this room. you know that this room only photographs of Dara success may be living there. "Papa replied that left me very disappointed."Release Your picture!" Said Mama with me rather sharply.
I took off the photo so I expect to be a liaison in order to flatter my family. A hope that has always been my desire. Since I was always envious of each kak Dara praised and lauded by papa and mama, and all the guests who've been to my house. Now the biggest question is,"If I own son Ma? Pa? "The question that was never answered by the oral, but missed by their deeds to me. A child who is always sidelined by injustice.****
Day after day continue to change, and since it also kak Dara be someone who slumped. I can feel the feelings are depressed because he lost the Olympics. I know, my twin sister looks weaker than usual."Udahlah kak then, no point in ditangisin continued." I said encouragingly."Udahlah Ra, you're glad I'm rich Seeing the gini? You like the look in I lose? "She said crying."Ka gak, gak. I never was no intention so rich. "I said."Udahlah, go ye out of my room, go ..." he was interrupted because finally he fell right in front of me."Pa, Ma, please kak Dara. Kak Dara fainted Pa! "Tell me"What? You apain is he? "Papa asked me sarcastically."I, I'm not there doing anything he pa." I said to hide kesakitanku."Sure relapse again pa, hurry we brought to the hospital." I said to Papa.****
Today is exactly a week before my birthday with kak Dara. I'm afraid to lose, my twin sister who I love. The doctor said that her kidneys had completely broken. I know, now her kidneys after only one year ago of his kidneys has been removed. While I still have two kidneys."Only a twin brother whose kidneys matched with Dara. So try as quickly as possible held a kidney transplant Pak "tell the doctor at Papa.
After that, I was subjected to all the people who love kak Dara. Everything is asked to donate a kidney to her. Indeed my intention was unanimous that I would donate both kidneys at Dara kak, but I do not want anyone to know it all. Because I do not want them going to love me for sympathizing with me who has given a kidney to my brother. I just want sincere compassion of them, I do not know how can I get it."Dera ah never mind, you're so cruel brother. Only donate one kidney does not want. Fortunately there was someone kind who would donate at Dara. "Says Papa"I'm disappointed with you Dera, yes you the same heart to your own brother." Says Dimas to be disappointed in me."Who donate a kidney Pa?" Asked kak Virgo."I do not know, donors it does not want to be told her name. In fact, he gives two kidneys for free at Dara. She really be an angel. "Dad replied."If you know it was me? Would I be given an award from Papa? "I muttered to myself.****
A few hours before the transplant operation took, I wrote a letter to all the people I care about. I do not know, I was going to leave them all. It was, I was so tired with my own life. After I finished writing, the letter kutitipkan Bi Imah. I also went to the hospital for immediate surgery.
@ surgery roomThis space tersasa so scary. All the things I saw was a syringe and scissors. Tools that look scary to me. I first brought this chamber, so that no one knew who I was. Position and his brother Dara are separated by a dividing wall. Until finally I was sedated, and I felt everything was dark.****
One week later. , , ,"Eventually you may be healed too dear. Mama worry you so much since your surgery. Fortunately there are donors that. "Says her mother with great affection."And Happy Brithday Dara ..." said everyone in unison"Thank ya all. I senanggg really. Anyway, where ya Dera Ma? Dara kepikiran do not know why he keeps. Today is the birthday of our "Dara replied."Iya ya? Where he Bi? "Asked his mother to Bi Imah"Soon the lady." FAQ Bi Imah with Dara ran toward the room.
And a few minutes later had arrived with a letter."The letter of the Non Dera before you go." Tell Bi Imah.Although somewhat surprisingly, his mother was read by a rather loud.For all those who sooo Dera dearMaybe when you read this letter I have more Dera here. Dera already go where saangaat jaauh. Anyway, how news Dara kak? Not sick anymore? Hopefully kidneys can help you to achieve all your dreams that have not materialized.
PAPA is my earnest TeruntukHow Pa? we already quiet house yet? There's nothing really rude again, right? Oh definitely not a dong ya? Melepasmu, Dera the troublemaker's already not there.
Teruntuk MAMA VERY-VERY KU missedMa, Dera definitely will be greatly missed by giving Mama teddy bear five years ago. Ma, Dera kangeeen Mama's arms buildup. Dera always envious when she only kissed kak Dara while he slept. Dera envied Mama always encouraged kak Dara when she was sad. Dera jealous of all the attention given to Mama kak kak Virgo and Dara. Dera sangaat envy.
KAK Teruntuk VIRGO and my twin sister, DARAHow kak, I have more right that bother you learn? I have more right that nyetel loud music in his bedroom? Definitely our house quiet yes, certainly will not go there again which will make you ashamed of your stupid has not it? Oh, sure. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY YA KAK, HAPPY THAT YOU ARE GONE TO-17 YEARS. I might never tasted.
You all should know, how much I really love you guys. Maybe with my going home them all to be quiet and we become peaceful. Dera please, do not there will no longer stigmatized as Dera. Who always cry every night. Who always longed for the warmth of kinship. Perhaps with this departure, I will know how you are going to remember me by, like akuyang always remember you guys every night in tears. , , We wish YOU ALL HAPPY WITHOUT DERA, Aamiin.Salam miss tearful happy
Alderaya ZivannaAll who heard crying. They wonder at Bi Imah where Dera. But suddenly the phone rang home .."Yes, I Hermawan, what is it?" Her father asked curiously.
And a moment later daddy cry and soon brings his family to the hospital. And they are late, Dera has gone forever. And menginggalkan millions regret every tears that fell. Now, he has been quiet and away from injustice during his life. Although central wept tears that had gone forever. , ,
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