Nani comes from a family Wartabone Dutch government officials. His mother was a nobleman. However, the growing sense of nationalism remains strong in his soul. He began to actively fight for Indonesia since the school in Surabaya. He later founded the organization Jong Gorontalo in Surabaya. In 1928, Nani returned to Gorontalo and form associations of farmers (hulanga). To the members of hulanga instilled a sense of nationhood. Beliaujuga establish branches PNI and Partindo. After the organization was dissolved, Nani Wartabone active in Muhammadiyah.
Nani Wartabone then heard the Japanese had occupied Manado. The Dutch fled to Poso. This makes the Dutch in Gorontalo became frightened and started to leave by first conducting a scorched earth. He felt a resistance against the Dutch has arrived.
On January 22, 1942, The Netherlands burning boat Kalio and copra warehouse at the port. Knowing this, Nani Wartabone preparing weapons and youth. Friday morning, January 23, 1942, forces led by Nani Wartabone departing from Suwawa towards Gorontalo. Along the way, many people join. At 09.00 am all the Dutch official in Gorontalo captured. After that, Nani led the people down the flag of the Netherlands and flying the flag.
Japan was ruling in Indonesia, Nani Wartabone arrested and imprisoned
in Manado until June 1944. He was re-arrested and transferred to
Morotai, then to the Cipinang prison, Jakarta, for refusing to hand over
power to Australia as a representative of the Allies. He was released on December 23, 1949. Before he died, he served as
Resident Coordinator of North Sulawesi, members of the House of
Representatives of the Mutual Cooperation, member of the National
Planning Council, and a member of MPRS.
Place / Date. Born: Gorontalo, 30 April 1907
Place / Date. Died: Gorontalo, January 3, 1986
Presidential Decree: Decree No. 085 / TK / 2003, date. 6 November 2003
Degree: National Hero
Here's a snippet of the content of the speech Nani Wartabone.
this day, January 23, 1942, we the Indonesian people who are here
already independent, free, free from colonial rule other peoples. Our
flag is red and white, we are the national anthem Indonesia Raya, the
Dutch government has been taken over by the national government "