Saturday 16 April 2016

Biography R.A Kartini dalam bahasa inggris - Heroes Indonesia Women's Equality

Biography R.A Kartini. The heroine of this very famous in Indonesia. He Raden Ajeng Kartini otherwise known as R.A Kartini, he was known as one of the national heroes were known to actively fight for the emancipation of women when he was alive. Regarding Biography and Profile R.A Kartini, he was born on 21 April 1879 in the city of Jepara, His birth was later celebrated as Kartini Day in honor of his services to the people of Indonesia. Kartini was born in the middle of the royal family and therefore he earned R.A (Raden Ajeng) in front of his name, the title itself (Raden Ajeng) used by Kartini before he married, a married then knighted used is R.A
(Raden Ayu) according to Javanese tradition.

His father was R.M. Sosroningrat, the son of Prince Ario Tjondronegoro IV, a nobleman who served as regent of Jepara, he is the grandfather of R.A Kartini. His father R.M. Sosroningrat an honorable man at the time because his position as regent when Jepara Kartini was born.kartini mother named M.A. Ngasirah, he is the son of a kiai or religious teacher in Telukawur, Jepara. According to history, Kartini was a descendant of Sultan Hamengkubuwono VI, and some even say that the father's lineage came from the kingdom of Majapahit.R.A mother Kartini is M.A. Ngasirah itself is not highborn, but just ordinary people only, therefore the rules of the Dutch colonial when it requires a regent must marry royalty, too, until finally Kartini's father then marry a woman named Raden Adjeng Woerjan which is a noble direct descendant of King Madura at that time.


 R.A Kartini itself has a brother a total of 11 people consisting of siblings and half-brother. He himself is the fifth child, but he is the eldest daughter of 11 children. As a nobleman, R.A Kartini also entitled to receive education.His father then send a small Kartini in ELS (Europese Lagere School). Here Kartini then studied Dutch and attend school there until he was 12 years old because when it was according to the custom at the time, the girls had to stay at home for 'seclusion'.R.A Kartini's Thoughts On Women's EqualityDespite being at home, Kartini R.A active in correspondence or correspondence with his friend who was in the Netherlands because he is also fluent in Dutch. From this and, Kartini became interested in the mindset of European women which she read from newspapers, magazines and books that he read.Until then he began to think about trying to advance the cause of indigenous women in mind the position of indigenous women still lag far or social status is quite low at the time.RA Kartini many read newspapers or magazines of European cultural being unsubscribed who speak Dutch, in usiannya the 20th, he even read a lot of books by Louis Coperus entitled De Stille Kraacht, works by Van Eeden, Augusta de Witt as well as various romances wing feminists who all speak Dutch, but that he also read a book entitled Multatuli Max Havelaar and Love Letters.

"Agama harus menjaga kita daripada berbuat dosa, tetapi berapa banyaknya dosa diperbuat orang atas nama agama itu - (R.A Kartini)."

His interest in reading and then make him have a fairly extensive knowledge about science and culture, R.A Kartini give special attention to the emancipation of women see a comparison between European women and native women.Besides, he also paid attention to the social problems that occur according to him, a woman needs to obtain equality, freedom, autonomy and legal equality.The letters that Kartini wrote more in the form of complaints about the condition of indigenous women in which he saw an example of Javanese culture that when it is more inhibiting the progression of native women at the time. It was also revealed in his writing that there are many constraints faced by indigenous women, especially in Java to be more advanced.Kartini wrote suffering of women in Java like to be secluded, not free in demanding science or learning, as well as customary curb their freedom of women.R.A lofty ideals of Kartini is he wants to see indigenous women can seek knowledge and learn what it is today. New ideas about emancipation or equality of indigenous women if Kartini, considered a novelty that can change society's views. In addition, the writings of Kartini also contains namely the significance of belief, wisdom and beauty, humanity and nationalism.

Kartini also touched on religion, for example, he questioned why men can be polygamous, and why why the holy book should be read and memorized without obligation to understand it.Her friend Rosa Abendanon Dutch woman, and Estelle "Stella" Zeehandelaar also supports the ideas expressed by R.A Kartini. History says that Kartini was allowed by his father to become a teacher in accordance with the ideals, but he was forbidden to continue his studies to study in Batavia or Holland.In the end, he could not melanjutanya ideals better learn to become a teacher in Batavia or college in the Netherlands although when he received a scholarship to study there because in 1903 when R.A Kartini about 24 years old, she was married to K.R.M. Duke Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat which is a noble and also in Rembang regent who already had three wives.Even so, the husband R.A Kartini understand what you desire R.A Kartini so he was then given the freedom to set up schools first woman then stood next to the government offices Rembang then are now known as Building Scouts.

Marriage R.A Kartini Until Death
From his marriage with K.R.M. Duke Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat, RA Kartini later gave birth to a son named Soesalit Djojoadhiningrat who was born on September 13, 1904, however sad, a few days later after giving birth to her first child, RA Kartini later died on 17 September 1904 at the age of very young that 24 years old. He was then buried in Bulu Village, Rembang.

Thanks to struggle later in 1912, stood by the Women Educational Foundation in Semarang Kartini then extends to Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Malang, Madiun, Cirebon and other areas. Schools are then given the name "Kartini Schools" in honor of his services. Kartini Foundation is the Van Deventer, a figure Ethical Policy in the Dutch colonial era.

publication of books 'Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang'

After the death of R.A Kartini, then a Dutch man named J.H. Abendanon start collecting the letters that had been written by R.A Kartini when he was active correspondence with his friends who was in Europe at the time.From there then drafted a book originally titled 'Door Duisternis tot Licht' which is then translated with the title of Darkness Into Light, published in 1911. The book was printed five times, and the fifth printing are letters written by Kartini.The thoughts expressed by Kartini then a lot of public attention when it was mainly the Netherlands because who wrote these letters are native women.Their thinking is changing the mindset of many Dutch people against native women at the time. His writings also became the inspiration for the figures of Indonesia at that time as W.R Soepratman then menbuat song called 'Ibu Kita Kartini'.President Sukarno was then issued the instruction of the Republic of Indonesia Presidential Decree 108 of 1964, on May 2, 1964, which shows the determination of Kartini as a National Hero, Sukarno set Kartini's birthday, which is on April 21, is celebrated as Kartini Day until now. 

Books R.A Kartini

  • Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang
  • Surat-surat Kartini, Renungan Tentang dan Untuk Bangsanya
  • Letters from Kartini, An Indonesian Feminist 1900-1904
  • Panggil Aku Kartini Saja
  • Kartini Surat-surat kepada Ny RM Abendanon-Mandri dan suaminya
  • Aku Mau ... Feminisme dan Nasionalisme. Surat-surat Kartini kepada Stella Zeehandelaar 1899-1903.
  A few brief biographical information about R.A Kartini, hopefully this information can be useful for all readers
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