Thursday 21 April 2016

Biografi dalam bahasa inggris Jokowi (Joko Widodo) "Biography Jokowi ( Joko Widodo )"

Jokowi is a prominent leader of the Mayor of Solo and commendable role promoting ESEMKA Car. Ir. Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is the mayor of Surakarta (Solo) for two terms from 2005 to 2015. Deputy Mayor is F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo. Jokowi was born in Surakarta on June 21, 1961. Jokowi Islam. Jokowi won elections in 2012 DKI Jakarta and was appointed as Governor of Jakarta. Many parties are optimistic with the performance of Jokowi and his deputy Ahok to improve the city of Jakarta is chaotic.

Biography Jokowi (Joko Widodo)
Jokowi earned his engineering degree from the Faculty of Forestry in 1985. When running for mayor of Solo, many doubt the ability of man who is a merchant's house and garden furniture; even the day he was elected. But a year after he led many progressive breakthrough done by him. He took the example of the development of many cities in Europe he often visited in the framework of his business trips.
Under his leadership, Solo experiencing rapid change. Branding for Solo done by approving the motto "Solo: The Spirit of Java". Step accomplishments progressive enough for the size of the cities in Java: it is able to relocate the traders of used goods in Taman Banjarsari almost without upheaval to revitalize the functions of green land open, giving requirements on investors to want to think about the public interest, conduct direct communication routine and open (broadcast by local television) and the community. Balekambang park, displaced since abandoned by its organizer, maketh the park. Jokowi also did not hesitate to dismiss investors who do not agree with the principles of leadership. As a follow-up branding he filed Surakarta to become a member of the Organization of World Heritage Cities and accepted in 2006. His pace continues with the success of Surakarta to host the conference of the organization in October 2008. In 2007 Surakarta also has hosted the World Music Festival (FMD), which was held in Fort complex Vastenburg who face eviction to be the center of business and shopping. FMD in 2008 was held in Mangkunegaran Palace complex.
Thanks to these achievements, Jokowi elected as one of "10 People of 2008" by the magazine Tempo.Originally Nickname Jokowi
"Jokowi was giving me the name of the buyer of the French," says the Mayor of Solo, Joko Widodo, when asked from where came the name Jokowi. He said, so many names with the first name Joko who became exporters of wooden furniture. Buyers from outside confuse, Joko Joko which is what is it. So, he continues to be given a special name, 'Jokowi'. The call is then attached to the present. On the card he gave a written, Jokowi, Solo Mayor. Later she checked, in whose name the exact Solo Joko Widodo 16 people.
Currently, Jokowi second term. Absolute victory is obtained when the municipal elections last year. Jokowi name is now not only popular, but his personality was also appreciated by the public. At least, when going to the markets, traders rollicking call him, or at least whisper on the side, "Eh..itu Mr James."
What's the story so that he can be loved of Solo? Any policy that has made people happy? And why should he have to step on their employees? The following interview with reporters Republika Pappilanda Ditto, with Jokowi in togetherness throughout half a day in around Solo.

What attitude you bring in running career as a bureaucrat?In principle, I only work for the people. That's it, simple. I don think all kinds, wong can not get anything. Mau judged to be good, please, willing rated good, yes please. I am the only work duties. Baseball is the willingness of all sorts. Baseball had any target. Work. Just like that.
Bener, I do not heroics and actually that we run can trick everyone else. Only, like baseball. Had no intention of baseball. That is all. Baseball have it high. Very simple.
For example, five years ago, our ID card service in the district chaotic. ID cards could be two weeks, three weeks to complete. There is no clear time. Depending on who's asking, can a week, two weeks could. But, by improving the system, nothing will be changed. Setting up the system, and then implement the system, and if anyone does not want to implement the system, yes, I stepped on.
Originally internal reaction how?Yes always, resistance to a year before, but after that, well, mediocre. Everything that was always, yes everything is happy. Yes, we understand that the problem of cake, it ya can do.
To change the ID card process system, three lurah I dislodged, one of my camat dislodged. At that time, when a meeting was followed 51 urban villages, there are three urban villages that seem intent. Nah maybe an hour, sir, at least three days, they said. The next day the headman was not served. If I, so alone. Meeting five camat again, there is one sub-district head, hard pack, because they have data entry. Well this is the same, lah. Alright.
In fact, after they are gone, the system can work. The entire district now has been like a bank. No more the bulkhead between the public and employees, open all. One hour has also been finished. Rupiah to be paid according to the regulations, to Rp 5,000.
You also had an interesting experience in the handling of street vendors (PKL) is then a lot of references?Yes. Now a lot of areas here, want to change the mindset. Oh turns handling (PKL) could be without a fight. It was not easy. Our experience at that time was to move street vendors in District Banjarsari which had become a selling even a place to stay for more than 20 years. The area was actually an elite area, but as a place of trade and a place to stay, that look is untidiness.
Five years ago, they invited me to eat here (meeting room official residence of the mayor). I go to lunch, I invite dinner. I'm talking to. Up to 54 times, I go to lunch, dinner, like this. Seven months like this. Finally, they want to move. Baseball have in-gebukin.

Why it took seven months, why not in the first three months?We see-saw the wind, lah. If you see, the first time I invite them here, they are all direct attach banners. Anyway, if moved, will fight to the bitter end, nyiapin bamboo spears. Indeed, some have threatened to burn the town hall.
Situation heat it up to how many meetings?Still up to the 30th meeting. The new 30-50 meeting as we speak. What they need, what they want, what they worry about. In the past, they ask nine route public transportation to get to a new area. We will give three public transport. The road is narrow, we dilate.
The difficult part was, they asked for a guarantee of turnover in the new place just like in the old place. Gee, how mayors told to warrant such. My answer, which is set in the above provision, but four months later would I advertise on local television, in local newspapers, I post banners throughout the city. Finally, they want to move.
The migration them I have prepared 45 trucks, I Tunggui two days, they moved on their own. Their emigration from the old place to the new place I procession to the palace soldiers. This is baseball anywhere in the world. They bring tumpeng one by one as a symbol of prosperity. That is, emigration happy. An old place has become a green open space back.
Turnover in the new place?Can four times. Can ask to get there, do not ask me. But, yes there are approximately ten times, there were four times. An average of four times. There is a US $ 300 million a month. That's not a street vendor again, shaking me.
What about the other vendors?After the ex-PKL Banjarsari move, not difficult to convince the others. Quite meetings of three to seven times the meeting is over. Until now, we've moved 23 points PKL, no problem.
LHA is a hassle now even street vendors merchants ask to be relocated. We who do not have money. Until now, it is still 38 per cent of street vendors who have not been relocated. So, if you still see the street vendors on the street or sidewalk, it's part of the 38 per cent earlier.Apparently, the empowerment of market concern you?Oiya. We've been renovating 34 markets and build new markets in seven locations. If managed properly, this market brings great regional income.
In the past, when I entered, the revenue of the market is only Rp 7.8 billion, Rp 19.2 billion now. Hotel only Rp 10 billion, Rp 5 billion restaurant, parking Rp 1.8 billion, Rp 4 billion advertising. Results of Rp 19.2 billion from the levy was only Rp 2,600 daily. Traders a lot, really. It is to be seen. Originally good management, baseball loss we wake up the market. Community-merchants underserved, we can income like that.
Meanwhile, if the mall, do not know me, most pay IMB course, we want to pull what? Hence, we also limit the mall. Likewise, we restrict hypermarket. In fact, I also minimarket stop permission. The plan first there will be 60-80 are open, but not by me. Now there are only a dozen.
But, it seems untouched Pasar Klewer yes, conditions are less comfortable?Klewer that, whoa. Duitnya big once. Yesterday, calculated investor, Rp 400 billion. Money from where? Budget how many decades, we want to find what moves have not been met. Solo expenditure budget of Rp 780 billion, Rp 1.26 trillion this year. We are unable to. Traders in Klewer more, 3,000 early traders, the market is also huge. There, the Solo lots, lots Sukoharjo, Sragen many, there Jepara, Pekalongan, Tegal there. Batik from everywhere. But, I believe there is his style, just have not met wrote.
Educational matters, in some areas has been done for free education, whether in Solo as well?We are different. Here, we are issuing cards to students, there are platinum, gold, and silver. They are the most impoverished obtain a platinum card. They are free of everything from money base to the needs of the school and also the operating costs. Then, the gold that got the facilities, but not as much as platinum. So also is silver, only paid for by the local government for specific needs.
It was also applied to health?Yes, there is a card like that, there are gold and silver. Gold is for those who get in the poorest of the poor. All free, inpatient treatment, dialysis and even the gold was for free.Apparently, now people already believe in you, whereas in the beginning was elected, many doubters?Well, one year, lah. His name is not yet known, I'm not a piece of mayor, skinny, ugly. I also never appeared in Solo baseball, let alone my business 100 per cent of exports. There is a doubt, yes let alone, till now nothing about baseball. Want doubt, would assess ugly, it's up to people.
In the past, what the intention initially be mayor?Baseball is no intention, accident. Ndak know it. In the past, the first election, we can sound 37 percent, narrowly won. Wong I am not famous, really. The other well-known all right, I baseball. But, it seems the community has been lazy with famous people. Want to try the famous baseball. Trial and error, so I said the accident was indeed true.
What is most memorable for you to become mayor?Most impressive? Most impressively, if used, is not it, a mayor must be inaugurated is the big thing. Inaugurating the largest mall great example. But, now, gate, guard post, my everything is open, really. Guard post opened the mayor's request, the gate was opened to the mayor, yes how people ask, just go. Yes, sometimes funny. But we enjoy.
What difficulties have you encountered the first time served as mayor?Problems rules. Yes. We are, if in business, looking for that are as simple as possible, as efficiently as possible. But, we in government can not get, there are stages of rules. Although the budget there, baseball rules are met, can not get through. Should, could kerjain two weeks, had to wait two years. Many of the rules that actually binds us alone, are procedural. We have so state procedure.
What consideration when you nominate for a second time?Frankly, I do not want. Want to return to the habitat carpenter. At that time, every day come in droves various groups that pushed me forward again. They say, this voice of the people. I think, this is true Nope, what just political engineering. Two weeks of my maternity leave, I was thinking it's dizzy. I go home, OK I just surveys. My first survey, failure by 87 percent. Do not believe, I survey again, failure by 87 percent again.

After the survey, I saw absolutely no desires of the community. So, who came to me was true. And did in fact I can almost 91 percent. I see no hope and expectations that are too large. My calculations are 65-70 percent. Count on paper 65:35, or 60:40, approx.
There were no worries, when the off position, all you wake up awake?First there is the blueprint, there is a concept plan of the city. At the very least, the new leader later no need to use 100 percent, seenggaknya 70 percent. Not until, already junior high school, back to kindergarten. I have a duty also to prepare and tell us what to do later.

Biodata Joko Widodo
Name: Joko WidodoPlace and Date of Birth: Jakarta, June 21, 1961IslamOccupation: EntrepreneurIslamFacebook Profile: jokowiTwitter account: jokowi_do2Email: Address: Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 2 Tel. 644 644, 642 020, Psw 400, Fax. 646 303Address Home Office: Home Office Loji gandrung Jl. Slamet Riyadi No. 261 Tel. 712 004HP. 0817441111Education:

SDN 111 Tirtoyoso Solo
SMPN 1 Solo
SMAN 6 Solo
Faculty of Forestry UGM 1985 graduates

Founder of the Small Industry Development Cooperative Solo (1990)
Head of Mining & Energy Chamber of Commerce and Industry Surakarta (1992-1996)
Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Furniture and Handicraft Industry Surakarta (2002-2007)

Joko Widodo was elected as one of "10 People of 2008"
Being the best mayor in 2009
Pak Joko Widodo jg awarded Bung Hatta Award, for his leadership and his performance during the build and lead the city of Solo.
Eleven Maret University (UNS) Award
In addition, thanks to his leadership (and of course all those who helped), the city of Solo jg won many awards, among them

Cities Pro-Investment from Regional Investment Agency of Central Java
City for Children of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment
Nugraha rides from the Department of Transportation
Slum sanitation and Structuring of the Ministry of Public Works
Spatial City Best-2 in Indonesia
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