Friday 29 April 2016

Cerita "touching story of selling virginity"


she walked a little hesitant to enter a five-star hotel. The guards were standing next to the door of the hotel to catch a suspicion on her. But he just looked at only by sighted step toward the woman who then took a seat in the lounge were a bit in the corner. The security guard noticed a long time, there is something to be suspected for her. Because the waiter came twice but, she just shook her head. The table is still empty. Nobody ordered. Then to what the woman sitting alone. Is there someone who is waiting for. Guards began to think that she was not the kind of wanton woman who used to prey on this hotel. His age seems not too mature. But hardly children. Around the age of teenagers who were growing up. After so long, finally forcing the guards to approach her desk and asked: "Excuse me, Miss ... Are you waiting for someone? " " No! "Replied the woman, turned his face to the other place. "So for what you sit here?" "Do not be? "She began looking toward the guards .." Excuse me, miss. It's a classy place and only intended for those who want to enjoy our service. "" You mean, father? "" You have to order something to be able to sit here "" I'll message after I have money. But now, let me sit here for something I would sell "the woman said with a slow voice. "Selling? Are you selling something here? "Officers security guard noticed the woman. There seems no goods to be sold. Maybe this woman is a salesperson who simply carry the brochures. " Ok fine. Whatever you sell, this is not the place to sell. Please understand. "" I want to sell myself, "the woman said firmly, staring deep towards the security guards. Guards were stunned, looking left and right. "Come with me," said the security guard motioned with his hand. The woman was caught something KOOPERATIV action because there is a bit of a smile on the face of the security guard. Without a doubt she was stepping follow the security guards. In the hotel corridor there is a chair that is just for one person. Beside it was a room available between the phone specifically for visitors who want to contact the occupants of the rooms in this hotel. This is where the deal took place. " Are you serious? "" I am serious, "replied the woman firmly. "How much are you asking for? "" As high as the highest. . "" Why? "The security officer was shocked, staring at the woman. "I'm still a virgin" "Virgin? "Now the guards were really surprised. But his face brightened. A golden opportunity to gain excess sustenance today .. She thought: "How do I know you're a virgin?" "It was so easy. All adult men knew distinguish between virgin and what is not .. Yes it? "" If it is not proven? "" Do not pay ... "" Well ... "the guard officer sighed. Then glanced to the left and to the right. "I'll help you get a rich man who wants to buy your virginity. " " Try. "" How much is demanded? "" As high as the highest. " " How many? "" As high as the highest. I do not know how? " " OK. I would offer to guests of this hotel. Wait a minute, please. "Officers of the guard passed before her. Not long later, guards came again with a bright face. "I've got an antidote. He asked for Rp. 5 million. How? "" Did not anyone higher? "" This is among the highest, "the security officer was trying to convince. "I want higher ..." "Okay. Wait here ... "The officer passed the security guard. Soon guards came again with a face more radiant. "I get a higher price. Rp. 6 million rupiah. How? "" Is not there a higher? "" Miss, this is a very reasonable price for you. Try to imagine, if you are raped by men, you will not get anything. Or if you are a virgin taken by your girlfriend, you are not going to get anything except a promise. With the money Rp. 6 million you will enjoy five-star hotel for a night and the next morning you can forget everything with so much money. And again, you also have done well against me. Because I will earn a commission on this transaction from hotel guests. Adilkan. We equally need ... "" I want the highest bid ... "replied the woman, without regard to the security guard's babble. Guards were silent. But do not lose heart. "Well, I will find the other guests. But you should come with me. Help your shirt buttons revealed little. So that there is something to provoke the eyes of people to buy. "The officers told the security guard with a little irritated. She did not care about the suggestion that security guards but still follow the security guards into the elevator. Hotel room door was open. Of the slant-eyed man seemed a bit old smiled at them both. "This is what I mean, sir. Is interested host? "Said security guard politely. Slant-eyed man looked at carefully to the woman's entire body ... "What? "Asked the man to the woman. "As high-high" the woman replied firmly. "What is the highest price that has been offered people? "The man said to the guards. "Rp .. 6 million, sir" "Then I dare at a price of Rp. 7 million for an overnight. "She was silent. Guards looked in her direction and hope for a good response from the woman. " How? "Asked the man. "I want higher ..." the woman said. Guards smiled wryly. "Take away this woman. "The man said to the guards as he closed the door with a bang. "Miss, you have made me upset. Do you really want to sell? " " Certain! "" Then why did you refuse the highest price it ... "" I'm higher again ... "the guard officer sighed. As if emotion. He did not want this opportunity lost. She tried to keep her feel comfortable with him. "Then, you wait in last place, yes. I will try to find another bidder. "In the hotel lobby security guard was trying to see one by one guy there. Trying to find a common subscriptions ordered through women. For a long time, nobody seems to know. However, not so far away from him there was a man who was talking on her cell phone. "Did yesterday I already love you 25 million rupees. Apakahitu not enough? "There was a man's voice speaking. The man's face seems wry instantaneous "Come here. I wait. I miss you. It's been over a week we engga met, yes dear ?! "Now the security guard knew, that he was talking with a woman. Then, he saw the man hung up. There was resentment in the man's face. Calmly, guards said to the man: "Sir, do you need a woman ... ??? "He glanced towards the guards and then looked away. "There is a woman sitting there," the guard officer menujuk towards the woman. Guards did not lose the sense to take advantage of this opportunity. "She's still a virgin .." The man approached the security guard. Their faces just half a meter. " Is that true? "" Yes, sir. "" Then introduce me to that woman ... "" With pleasure. But, sir ... She was asking such a high price to high. "" I do not care ... "He said firmly. The man shook her warm. "This man is ready to pay whatever you ask. Well, now be serious .... "Said the security guard with exasperation. "Let's talk in the room alone." Said the man, inserting money to the security guards. The woman followed him to his room. In the room ... "Tell how much would you ask? "" Worth for the healing of my mother from the disease "" mean to you? "" I want to sell the only treasure and my honor to cure my mother. That's the way I am grateful .... "" That's it ... "" Yes ...! "He noticed the woman's face. Seems too young to sell his honor. This woman did not sell his love. Nor does it sells suffering. No! He just wants to appear as a valiant fighter in the center of social life that is no longer free. This man realized that before him there was something priceless honor. Exceeding of honor a virgin for women. That is the determination to sacrifice without regret. This woman did not resist but also in their ocean waves where the wave took him away. No surrender on unmatched confidence. That honor will always be valued and purchased by people distinguished also by means honorable. " What is your name? " " That is not important. Mention can you pay the price ... "the woman said" I can not mention the price. Because you is not something worth negotiable. "" Then, no deal! " " There is ! "Said the man instantaneously. "Mention! "" I paid courage. That's what I can buy from you. Please accept this money. The amount is more than enough to bring your mother to the hospital. And now go home ... "said the man, handing the money out of his briefcase. "I do not understand ..." "I've always spoiling my mistress. He enjoyed all of my gift but he never thanked. Always squeeze. Once I gave it forever he always asked. But today, I can buy the gratitude of a woman who bravely sacrifice for his parents. It's an honor that is of no value if I could pay ... "" And, if you sincerely ...? "" Is it lack of money? "" More than enough, sir ... "" Before you go, may I ask one thing? "" Please ... "" Why are you so brave ... "" Who said I was brave. I'm afraid sir ... But more than a week I try to get a way to take my mother to the hospital and all of them failed. When I took the decision to sell my honor then it's not because of a boost appetite. Nor is my reasoning that `bodoh` ... I just behave and act for a conviction ..." "What confidence? "" If we willingly make sacrifices for the mother or anyone, then God who will maintain our honor ... "The woman then stepped out of the room. Before arriving at the door of the woman said: "So what you can from this purchase ..." "Consciousness ..." ... In a house in the slums. A mother who is bedridden surprised by the warm embrace of his son. "You go home, son" "Yes, ma'am ..." "Where have you been, boy ... ???" "Sell something, bu ..." "What are you selling?" the mother appeared astonished face. But the young woman just smiled ... Life as an orphan and poor is too vain to mourn in the middle of a life of this presumptuous. In the midst of a situation that is no longer free. Everyone trade. Buying and selling is a daily life that can not be inevitable. But God always gives selflessly, without calculations .... "It is time mother for treatment ..." he was carrying his mother on the bed, saying: "God has bought what I sell ...". Taxis that had been the host of the hotel is still faithfully waiting in front of his house. The inclusion of her mother in a taxi with caution and said to the taxi driver: "Take us to the hospital"
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